So this year we have much to be excited about!
Dave has a new job and is starting to get his office painted actually as you read this (if it is July 25). He hasn't been doing his job that he got quite yet but will be as soon as he goes for his training.
Chloe will be starting speech with Grace's old speech teacher. She is excited and hopefully pick up on things quickly as her sister has (and her when we practiced with Grace). She is now starting to stop herself of saying me...!
Grace starts kindergarten this year! She is super excited and can't wait. She asks regularly how many more days :) it's hard to believe she is going to be coming with me to school. She's not our little baby anymore!
I am excited to say I finally have my classroom almost set up and will be taking pictures tomorrow. I will post a blog with a short something with them. I took the prairie lands writing project this summer and have learned so much I can't wait to show others and try myself. The summer has gone by with a flash of an eye.
I can't wait to see what other things come to our family!
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