Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chloe's Peek-a-boo

Chloe and Dave decided to play a game and as you can see she loved every minute of it! Well, think Dave did too!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


Well, it has been a crazy bunch of months. I got my classroom all fixed and the kids! I have 23 kids this year, wow! They are great and seem to be adjusting to me and vice versus.

The girls are doing great. We've been fighting the flu with Grace and having her nasal flu shot. Overall, though they have been healthy, thank God! Dave has sinus infection and hasn't been feeling well either. He had to go to urgent care and even had to wear a mask, along with most of the people there! It was a crazy experience for him. I have been feeling fine for the most part, haven't caught anything from home or school.

Grace is now 3 years old! She had a great party! She loved bowling. We've been a couple of times, along with her Aunt Jerri taking her. She is still potty training. We were trying to persuade her by buying her toys when she went. Now it is everytime we see a commerical or a toy....Mommy if I go potty I can have that? So it is quite funny. But anyways, she is still having trouble going poo as she says. She will even say I don't do that yet mommy. We will continue trying but on the most part we have been dry! Her new thing is drawing people.....the fat round circles with stick legs, no arms yet, but eyes and a mouth even! It is a cute sight. She likes to even draw crazy hair. She is doing better with Chloe but has those moments of sister rivalry! Overall, she is a 3 year old!

Chloe is now 1 years old! Can't believe it but it has gone and went. She is not quite walking long distances but will for what she wants. She prefers to crawl. She says mama, Dada, hey, hi, cap (for captain), and that's about it. She likes to eat like crazy. We are trying to wean her from nursing but it isn't going so well yet. She has 4 teeth and of course got them after everyone who has babies that I know....hope that saying is true, if your child gets teeth late they have good teeth! Cause poor children got and does everything after every child their age! She is definitely a daddy's girl! She always going to him when she sees him. It's quite the sight! She has to follow big sister around and do what she does. She is such a climber too. I can't believe how daring she is.....she has climbed our stairs at the house and climbs on the little table that they play at too. I am hoping she doesn't break something before she is 5 years old!

I have some pictures posted on facebook of the girls. Gosh would love to post more here too, but it is hard to find the time to do it on both. I will try to put more pictures and updates when I get the time! Hope all is well, as it is here in the English family!